No one, and I mean no one could have predicted that this would be the state of 2020 (so far). Since 2019, I'm pretty sure that at one point, we all were declaring and manifesting that 2020 was going to be our year but, then the world was hit with the Coronavirus. This Coronavirus has now escalated into a pandemic and has us all a bit shaken up. The world is shifting minute by minute, hour by hour and has us all in a state of uncertainty, which can be very scary. Not only is it affecting the health of the general public, it’s also affecting the economy...especially those who have a brand or run a small business.
I, personally, would have never thought that I would be forced to stare my own privilege in the face so fully until all of this started unfolding. Entrepreneurs around the world and across the country are feeling the effects of this virus and being hit hard, being forced to pivot their way of thinking and doing business. We all know that entrepreneurship brings about many highs and many lows, but when an unexpected hit comes, it can leave us all wondering what we should be doing, how we can survive, and if there are ways to perhaps even thrive during this time.
I just want to let you all know that, you are not alone. To be transparent, we at The Sofenomenal Agency Group are feeling the effects of this pandemic just as much as you are but what better time for us all to work together than now. We are in the business to serve and we would love to serve you so that you are able to better serve your clients.
The Sofenomenal Agency Group is doing its best to stay connected to our clients and informing the general public on any branding tips that will help businesses thrive via our social media platforms. Our goal is to properly serve you so you are able to serve others so feel free to use us as a resource.
In this difficult time, it’s hard to know what to share and what is appropriate but please don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with anything and how we can be of assistance. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones during this time.
Here are a couple things/tips to help you while you are quarantined:
Time is a resource-use it
As an entrepreneur, it's super easy for us to go hard in the paint for our clients and give them “the works” but neglect working on our own brand. Since things have slowed down tremendously, work on your business instead of working in your business. Trust and believe once this is over, things will pick up and you’ll definitely thank yourself (and this quarantine) that you've got your pricing sheets in order, your workflows in place and/or updated your email lists. Oh yeah and you have time to create a Tik Tok...it’s fun.
Share encouragement
Because we are in the midst of a pandemic, there are a lot of grim “updates” and that can definitely bring down spirits. Be a light. Remind people that there is hope and goodness in this world, still. Reality is that yes, people’s health are on the line and we still need to be sensitive about that but remember that there are a lot more people living in a state of fear and uncertainty. The encouragement doesn't have to be something curated from you directly. It can be a repost of something that popped up on your timeline and even made you smile. Share the joy.
Ain’t Nobody fresher than my Clique
Community is imperative. Again I repeat, Community is imperative. Have constant check-ins with other business owners. Your professional network is a major key during this time especially since we are all going through this together. Schedule zoom chats with your business homie/ cliques. AND BE HONEST. Transparency can open doors for you...like mama used to say, “Closed mouths don’t get fed’
Pivot, don’t Pause
Shake ups happen to business’ all the time and it is because of these shake ups that cause some of our favorite brands to shift their way of branding and promotions and have tremendously improved their numbers/analytics and cash flows. It’s time to think outside the box or do something outside of your comfort zone. Change is good...scary but good. It forces us to move differently and act accordingly. Trust me… you can do it. Entrepreneurs are hustlers and hustlers always find a way. Like Rick Ross said, “EVERYDAY WE HUSTLIN’.”
Rest and Reset and indulge in self care.
Think to yourself, when was the last time you had proper rest? Seee?!!! Even you can’t remember. Please take this time to rest and recharge. Self care is a hustler's best friend. Although we are restricted from the luxuries of a salon, barbershop or spa, you can still do some things at home to make you feel good about yourself. Read a good book or blog, find a dope at-home workout, find a podcast and cook a good healthy meal...oh and stay home. Remember, you can’t serve others if you’re not well enough to do so. Self care and family is priority.
We’ll be sure to provide more tips as the days/weeks roll by. We will also update our site to accommodate the social climate.
Thank you.